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I am a big LT fan of LVT. 46M ! Add to my watchlist Overview Discussion Corporate Spotlight More Corporate Spotlight Not Yet. $2. ASX - By Stock. 6¢. Volume. NEWS: Triton accelerates performance. Last updated 11. People with NO interest who stand on the sideline giving gratuitous advice are pains in. Tech stocks bounced today. Overview Discussion Corporate Spotlight More Corporate Spotlight Put your Investment Case to Hotcopper's 700K monthly unique visitors. MC $5. 72. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. 047 and will buy back 0. LVT. The beauty of LVT acquiring the small companies is that they fill out the LVT product and provide multiple reasons for large companies to take it up. ASX - By Stock. Created with Sketch. Commodities. 55pm 26/10/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LIVETILES LIMITED. ASX - Day TradingCreated with Sketch. Latest Posts. Commodities. ASX-listed lithium developer Sayona Mining was once again in front of fund managers on Thursday, seeking to raise as much as $200 million. Market . Forums. ASX - Day TradingQuarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-4. 24. ASX - By Stock. au. LVT. LVT will be low on cash at the end of next year so it makes sense to booster the war chest now. ASX - By Stock. 1 billion; APT, FY19 revenue of ~$251m, YoY revenue growth of 115%, no stated revenue target, market cap = $10. I think I'll definitely buy some more. ASX - Day TradingLIVETILES LIMITED (ASX:LVT) - Ann: Appendix 3B , page-1 - HotCopper. 1. ASX - Day TradingQuarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-4. ASX - Day TradingGood news for MOU and other foreign company in Mongolia, the government studying reversal of foreign investment law to encourage foreign investment in. LVY doesn't seem to be lying down to die, not matter how many things I'd like to change. 238199. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumOffer update, s249D Notice withdrawal & Strategic EngagementCreated with Sketch. Created with Sketch. 0. 75m in loan payments due this year, $6. Last updated 15. Latest Posts. Advertise on HotCopper. 3 Quarters (4 months) of available cash. HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on SPLITIT PAYMENTS LTD. 0000. Created with Sketch. so the 39k licence swiss company that signed up with lvt have no clue what they are doing and tom, dick and harry on hotcooper know better? I do agree though that they will be going qtr to qtr on cash reserves for a while. Commodities. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. . Created with Sketch. ASX - Day TradingModun Resources (ASX:MOU) is heading to market with a capital raising. Market . . ASX - Day TradingCreated with Sketch. Claim your IR profile See benefits. ASX - By Stock. Note this is before headcount cuts, but also as of 30 September. Advertise on HotCopper. Created with Sketch. The Company is engaged in. Modun Resources (ASX:MOU) is raising $11 million through a fully underwritten capital raising as part of its acquisition of LiveTiles Holdings Pty Ltd. 02pm 15/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on ST GEORGE MINING LIMITED. 8 million versus loss of a$818,407 fy revenue from ordinary activities a$30. 10. $3. More. $14. HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for. 07 cash per share DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN BTH AND LVT ARE PRELIMINARY IN NATURE Likes 0. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumHalf Yearly Report and Accounts. ASX - Day TradingTimetable Update - Acquisition of LiveTiles Holdings Pty Ltd. Created with Sketch. MarketChange in substantial holding. Created with Sketch. Advertise on HotCopper. Market Cap $7. 1000. Not enough to carry through to NY celebration. Created with Sketch. ASX - By Stock. Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form. The core product is net profitable. Created with Sketch. 00pm 10/11/2023 ? Share Prices & Charts for LIVETILES LIMITED. Created with Sketch. 6¢. June 29 (Reuters) - Livetiles Ltd (LVT) : INTERIM CHAIR JESSE TODD WAS APPOINTED ON 28 JUNE AS PERMANENT CHAIR OF BOARD. Created with Sketch. ASX - By Stock. Advertise on HotCopper. 239149. Sink Deep w/ LVT (van), Fnkstll, Arktic. Xero comparison. 0. 0. Forex. ASX - Day TradingLiveTiles launches new AI product, co-selling with MicrosoftCreated with Sketch. This is a possible smoke signal for. ASX - By Stock. 1040450. HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for ASX share prices & stock market discussions. LVY doesn't seem to be lying down to die, not matter how many things I'd like to change. How the ASX-listed miner got to its place as a global player is a lesson in persistence, riding cycles and clinging on. New Product Launch and Price Increase-LVT. Market . 32pm. 1 17/04/23 16:28 Post #: 67316480 Share Any thoughts on what’s happening today with the trading pattern? LVT Price at posting: 2. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. ASX - By Stock. IPOs. 54pm 25/10/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LARVOTTO RESOURCES LIMITED. ASX - Day TradingThe defiant actions by the Russian leader demonstrated the limits of relying on the threat of economic pain to change behavior by a government such as Putin’s — a highly personalist regime. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forum Australia's #1 stock forumLVT just doesn't appear to be dying. ASX - General. ASX - Day Tradingtwitter reports as follows:- Excited to hear @NYGovCuomo’s latest announcement for #FLXFWD - 500 new jobs being created by @LiveTilesUI in the High Falls. ASX - By Stock. Become a member of Australia's largest investment discussion forum. Quarterly Activities Report. 26. Charts. Created with Sketch. Xero, FY19 ARR of ~$750m, FY19 rev of $553m, YoY revenue growth of 36%, no stated revenue target, market cap = $12. Advertise on HotCopper. ASX - Day Trading Created with Sketch. Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) flooring installation costs $6 per square foot on average, with a low of $3 to a high of $18 per square foot. Volume. Thats a savings of $1m a year. 5¢. Last updated 15. Last updated 15. . Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. 7M, A 32% INCREASE ANNUALISED RECURRING REVENUE AT 31 DECEMBER 2021. Forex. April 1 (Reuters) - Livetiles Ltd (LVT) : SIGNED AN AGREEMENT ON 31 MARCH 2022, TO ACQUIRE 100% OF HUMAN LINK BUSINESS TOTAL CONSIDERATION OF AUD$0. 0¢. 43. Add LVT (ASX) to my watchlist (20min delay) Last 0. ASX - By Stock. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. 85. The cuts annouced are very large, about 25-35% of cost base. ASX - By Stock. ASX - Day TradingI just sold some at 0. Global Maritime Forum. 3. The Customers who prefer using Microsoft will use Microsoft and they are using Microsoft. Charts. 6¢. Created with Sketch. Appendix 3BEnergy and maritime organisations have gathered to detail plans to accelerate the development of a green corridor for transportation of iron ore between Australia and East Asia. Latest Posts Forums Just received this invite. SO basically LVT is paying $5m for $25m in sales. 5¢. 0000. Created with Sketch. Last updated 15. 1. 83. 5¢ Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held Upvote Great analysis 0 of 2 minutes, 35 secondsVolume 0% 00:03 02:35 Trending on The Market Herald LIVETILES LIMITED LVT LIVETILES LIMITED - Discussion Market Cap $17. Advertise on HotCopper. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. Druva, a private SaaS company focused on cloud data protection and management,. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. The WarmlyYours TempZone™ Flex Roll electric floor heating system, for example, uses 15 watts per square foot. ASX - Day TradingLiveTiles Limited responds to media speculationQuarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-4. Last updated 15. So worst case scenario is $2. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. 05. Last updated 12. Created with Sketch. . Appendix 3BCreated with Sketch. ASX - By Stock. ASX - By Stock. 5000. 063M ! Created with Sketch. Last updated 14. 47. 10. ASX - By Stock. 5. 59pm 17/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on AZURE MINERALS LIMITED. Advertise on HotCopper. $4. I am confident DV has factored everything in and knows lvt will get through next 22 months. Jun 7, 2022 – 3. Market . Canadian Dollar. Change of Company Secretary and Principal Place of BusinessI bought LVT shares (2000 units) in Jan 2018 (56c) and sold. Latest PostsHotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on TESSERENT LIMITED. 0¢. ASX - Day Trading. ASX - Day TradingChange in substantial holding. The ASX has granted the company a trading halt, with its shares placed in. 16993. ASX - Day Trading7 cents based on what, page-10. 6¢. 5¢. Application for quotation of securities - LVT. If LVT keeps performing, it is only a matter of time before Livetiles becomes a multi-billion dollar company. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCeasing to be a substantial holder. 25. Forums. 65m is due and outstanding to CYCL, $3. Add to my watchlist. . Last updated 14. ASX - Day TradingAnn: My Net Zero and Iberdrola launch offset program, Green Teams, page-2Was excited by flash today, so I’ve been doing somecomparisons between LVT and previous/current high growth and high value stocksin tech. Forums. Created with Sketch. 6¢. 1¢. 238199. Call: 604-239-5500. Forums. LVT. $1. 88762. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forummay hit 64. Second=golden wave for LVT? Thoughts? Add LVT (ASX) to my watchlist (20min delay) Last 0. 78. Our solutions transform your business, fostering productivity and goal achievement across all departments. ASX - Day Tradingso large government bodies and large multinational companies know less than Tom, Dick and harry from hotcopper? Seriously get a grip, page-106. 10. The customers already have Zoom which requires next to zero infrastructure. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. More. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. if the grifting couple hadn’t drained $2m each year, and not lied about ARR the share price wouldn’t be where it is. Last updated 15. Forums. ASX - By Stock. LVT offers nothing to them. . ASX - Short Term Trading. Advertise on HotCopper. ASX - Day Trading I think it’s timely to review the valuation metrics for LVT as we head into 2020. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. . Charts. 17. 8,369 likes · 140 talking about this · 1,407 were here. ASX - Day Trading. Created with Sketch. Stay ahead of the market. ASX - By Stock. Results of Meeting. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. $1. At the moment the only thing I think is detrimental to the company is that DV is leaving. Charts. Created with Sketch. ASX - General. Created with Sketch. Technology, Software - Application. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumConditional Agreement to Sell Nuurst Coal Deposit. ASX - Short Term Trading. ASX - Day TradingASR reaches $5 million, up 252% year-on-yearQuarterly Cashflow Report. Created with Sketch. LVT Price at. ASX - Short Term Trading. If LVT keeps performing, it is only a matter of time before Livetiles becomes a multi-billion dollar company. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum3400. $1. ASX - General. Personally on a probability basis I would put it at 95%+ share. Created with Sketch. 07 cash per share DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN BTH AND LVT ARE PRELIMINARY IN NATURE LikesHotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LIVETILES LIMITED. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Created with Sketch. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forum Australia's #1 stock forumLiveTiles H1 FY23 Results Release Date and Briefing DetailsCompletion of Hyperfish Acquisition. Pause in Trading dec 20 (reuters) - livetiles ltd (lvt) : recommend shareholders vote against all resolutions at upcoming egm suffering from ongoing distractions, with. ASX - By Stock. Snapshot. 6 million,. Thanks Hugh. 57pm 17/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LIVETILES LIMITED. 1121477. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forumCreated with Sketch. ASX - Day TradingCoal Quality Upgrade from Briquette Testing. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumHalf Yearly Report and Accounts. Good for filling in the time while we wait. Created with Sketch. 11M ! Add to my watchlist. Oct 16 (Reuters) - Livetiles Ltd (LVT) : RAISED $5. $0. 5¢. 49pm 20/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LIVETILES LIMITED. Created with Sketch. Technology, Software - Application. . 59pm 21/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on JERVOIS GLOBAL LIMITED. Lithium Australia Limited, formerly Lithium Australia NL, is an Australia-based company. ASX - By Stock. Absolute twats, page-5. 48 billion. Volume. 5¢ LIVETILES LIMITED - Discussion. 55m final BindTuning payment due at end of year. , page-3. 11M ! Add to my watchlist. ASX - Day Trading. AXLiveTiles Limited (ASX:LVT) (LiveTiles or the Company), has submitted a formal request to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) to be removed from the official list of the ASX (Official List) pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17. ASX - By Stock. Created with Sketch. 59pm 24/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LIONTOWN RESOURCES LIMITED. 2m, accelerated breakeven target, page-2. LVT. 9¢. 57pm 13/11/2023 ? HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on LOTUS RESOURCES LIMITED. Created with Sketch. Folks say we are pioneers of craft ice cream in Victoria. Forums. Created with Sketch. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. . . $1. 8842392. Notification of buy-back - LVT. May 19, 2023 – 11. ASX - Day TradingQuarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-4. Created with Sketch. LVT once again in the AFR fastest growing list of companies. st upside target of 31c surprising considering the state of market Monday/Tuesday,. Discuss your favourite stocks with more than 250,000 members. 255491. . Just that alone would make lvt profitable. . LiveTiles is into development and sale of digital workplace software via subscription agreements. If you understand that LVT has a product, that progressively large companies are realising LVT has a solution, that many companies are finding unusual applications for LVT (read some of the case studies), and that the product is developing along with the customers shared experiences. . ASX - General. . good luck! Latest Posts. 94B ! Add to my watchlist. . From what it sounds, the $100M is a hell or high water hurdle they must achieve. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumCreated with Sketch. ASX - Day TradingI think it’s timely to review the valuation metrics for LVT as we head into 2020. 0m capital raising. Last updated 15. Australia's largest stock trading and investment forum Australia's #1 stock forumQuarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report, page-4. Created with Sketch. Join the HotCopper ASX Stock discussion forum for LIVETILES LIMITED. 0 seconds of 1 minute, 50 secondsVolume 0%. Created with Sketch.